Windows 8 kann nicht auf NetApp CIFS Share zureifen
Wenn man versucht auf ein NetApp CIFS Share mit Windows 8 oder Windows Server 2012 zuzugreifen, wird der Zugriff wegen folgendem Fehler verweigert:
SMB connections fail with error “Invalid Signature”
This behavior may be due to the „Secure Negotiate“ feature added to SMB 3.0 for Windows Server 2012 Release Candidate and for Windows 8 Release Preview, which relies on the correct signing of error responses by all SMB 2 servers (including those supporting only protocol versions 2.0 and 2.1). Some third-party file servers do not respond with a signed error response causing the connection to fail.
Microsoft hat zwei Workrounds für dieses Problem:
- Enable signing on the third-party file server.
NetApp CLI:
options cifs.smb2.signing.required on
- Disable „Secure Negotiate“ on the client.
PowerShell in Windows8 oder Windows Server 2012:
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters" RequireSecureNegotiate -Value 0 -Force
Quelle: KB2686098